Above: David Acevedo, Vice President of Operations for Farm Bureau Mutual InsuranceCompany of Idaho,
prepares to kiss a pig. (Photo courtesy Jenny Losse, jennyloseephotography.com)
Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho employees got to see a few of their bosses kiss a pig while raising $7,350 for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Pocatello.
Employees cast votes at a cost of $1 per vote to select the top pig-kissing candidates from a pool of 41 employees. At the conclusion of the contest, a barbecue luncheon was held and a pig brought in to kiss the top vote-getters.
Farm Bureau Insurance’s Relay for Life of Pocatello team organized the fundraiser. James Hughes, co-captain of the team, said, “Long after the pigs has been kissed, the contributions made by the good folks at Farm Bureau will make a difference in the treatment and pursuit to find a cure for cancer.